Congratulations to Eric McGowan from the University of Kansas! He has been awarded a 2015 Newman Student Award Medal, for his work on “Comparison of results from three mechanical system noise prediction computer programs”, as nominated by Prof. Bob Coffeen.
Winners of the 2015 Student Design Competition announced
The results of the 2015 Student Design Competition have been announced! Congratulations to Johan Dahlberg and Johanna Isaksson, from Chalmers University of Technology (Faculty Advisor: Prof. Mendel Kleiner), recipients of the First Honors prize sponsored by the Wenger Foundation! Please see the corresponding webpage for a list of other commendation awardees and more details. All entrants may expect follow-up from the co-chairs regarding the judge’s comments on their respective entry and the judging forms. The winning entrants may expect additional communications with the co-chairs regarding details of fund distribution and exchange of the digital files for Newman Fund publicity. Thanks to all who participated!
Neal from Penn State receives 2015 Newman Medal
Congratulations to Matthew Neal from Penn State! He has been awarded a 2015 Newman Student Award Medal, for his work on “Connecting the Sense of Envelopment to Specific Components of the Sound Field using Perceptually Motivated Auralizations”, as nominated by Prof. Michelle Vigeant.
Sharma from Vassar College receives 2014 Newman Medal
Congratulations to Ariana Sharma from Vassar College! She has been awarded a 2014 Newman Student Award Medal, for her work on “Effect of Installed Diffusers on Sound Field Diffusivity in a Real-World Classroom”, as nominated by Prof. David T. Bradley.
Bliefnick from Colombia College Chicago receives 2014 Newman Medal
Congratulations to Jay Bliefnick from Colombia College Chicago! He has been awarded a 2014 Newman Student Award Medal, for his work on “The Development and Analysis of a Large Variable Acoustics Space”, as nominated by Prof. Lauren Ronsse and Prof. Dominique Chéenne.
2015 Acoustical Society of America Student Design Competition Announced
The announcement for the 2015 Acoustical Society of America Student Design Competition has been released. The competition involves the design of a performance venue addition to a casino and hotel facility in downtown Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Teams must register by April 10, 2015, and final entries that are not hand-delivered at the conference are due by May 14, 2015. More information can be found here.
Weber from London South Bank University receives 2014 Newman Medal
Congratulations to Leo Weber from London South Bank University! He has been awarded a 2014 Newman Student Award Medal, for his work on “Investigation into the Application of an Acoustic Metamaterial for Sound Attenuation with Airflow”, as nominated by Dr. Stephen Dance.
Bush from RPI receives 2014 Newman Medal
Congratulations to Dane Bush from RPI! He has been awarded a 2014 Newman Student Award Medal, for his work on “Room-Acoustics Investigations of
Beamforming Performance Using Coprime Linear Microphone Arrays”, as nominated by Prof. Ning Xiang.
Ermann YouTube videos on Architectural Acoustics
Check out the series of four YouTube videos on Architectural Acoustics, produced by Dr. Michael Ermann (Virginia Tech) with partial support from a Schultz Grant, provided by the Newman Student Award Fund!
Wakabayashi from Tokyo Institute of Technology receives 2014 Newman Medal
Congratulations to Chiemi Wakabayashi from Tokyo Institute of Technology, for being awarded a 2014 Newman Student Award Medal. Wakabayashi was nominated by Prof. Yasushi Shimizu, for her contributions towards her team’s excellent design submitted to the 2014 ASA Student Design Competition. In particular, Prof. Shimizu complimented Wakabayashi’s study on how the stage configuration fit each stage performance, both from an architectural design and an acoustical design.